
Happy New Year, With Love The Lomu Family

Happy New Year, With Love The Lomu Family

As a new year is upon us all, Nadene, Brayley and Dhyreille would like to wish you all a Very Happy 2025, filled with Love, Kindness and Success shared with those you love the most.

The Lomu family would also like to say a big “thank you to those that have continually supported us, and those that joyfully help us to honour Jonah’s Legacy respectfully around the world. The boys and me, appreciate every one of you” said Nadene Lomu. 

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Nine Years of Heartbreak, Hurt and Hell!

Nine Years of Heartbreak, Hurt and Hell!

The fight has been brutal, heartbreaking, and full of betrayals that I never had before you were called to Heaven. But I carry on because I know this: your legacy is not something that can be erased, no matter how hard they try to rewrite history. You built something strong, something real, something that will outlast the darkness and deceit that others tried to sow. You left us with more than material wealth because you weren't even protected with that, just like we have had it all taken from us too—you left us with integrity, with love, and with the strength to keep pushing forward.

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Brayley and Dhyreille's "Best Interests" DENIED while others cash in on their Dad!

Brayley and Dhyreille's "Best Interests" DENIED while others cash in on their Dad!

Maybe now people can see that Brayley, Dhyreille’s and my “Best Interests” have NEVER been protected amongst the Webb of lies and deception….DESPITE US being the beneficiaries of Jonah’s Will and Estate."
"The Estate to this day remains to be withheld from me and administration failure to be completed! Ohhh and the fact I was married to Jonah and we have son's together seems to count for nothing….far out, my dear Jonah your big heart really did get stitched up just as your sons and I are now!

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"I promised Jonah to protect our children”

"I promised Jonah to protect our children”

In an exclusive interview, Nadene Lomu, widow of rugby legend Jonah Lomu, opens up about the heartbreak, the legal battles, and how the children are coping since their father's death nearly nine years ago.

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Dhyreille Lomu turns 14, choosing to visit his dads grave.

Dhyreille Lomu turns 14, choosing to visit his dads grave.

The youngest of Jonah and Nadene’s son, Dhyreille Lomu turns 14.

The birthday boy, our Jonah Jr wanted to visit his dad’s grave for his birthday so we did. At the cemetery we were talking as we do said Nadene Lomu said in a Facebook post. The recent turn of events and how the Lomu family have been fighting to protect Jonah’s wishes in having his Estate Administered despite nine years in November, has been a gruelling time for them despite Nadene being the sole residuary beneficiary of Jonah’s estate in accordance with Jonah’s will and the boys know it all. However, the special day sparked concern yet again for the Lomu boys being without their dad, while visiting his grave side to clean his headstone and add more fresh flowers. The older of Jonah’s two sons, Brayley Lomu said, “mum if dad were still here none of what’s happening to you would be done,” Dhyreille Lomu, then saying very concerned, “yeah mum, all those people and the lawyer too mum it’s disgusting mum what he’s doing and it makes me so angry…he’s our dad and you’re our mum, and they should all back off and leave you alone mum and dad too!

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