Among the endless global tributes received, Nadene Lomu, wife and global brand manager of Jonah continues to give thanks in appreciation and gratitude for all the support and kindness sent to her and Jonah's little boys.
This was sent in from a great fan family member and in honour of Jonah we are privileged to share it in memory and celebration of the great humble giant Jonah Lomu will always be recognised for both on and off the field. A boy whom transcended rugby into the great game it is today, an icon, an inspiration in overcoming all challenges life threw at him from a young boy, to then turn his life around and becoming the worlds first True Global Superstar, that's our JONAH.
In asking Shane to share his story behind the number 11 tatt, he said, "when I started playin I was 5 and absolutely loved the sport. Especially with it being in my blood as my father is Maori and my mother Welsh so I had no choice really haha. I used to say to my dad, who's that big guy number 11 for the all blacks dad?" he said, "son that's a God sent to destroy anyone in his path" and I grew up saying is the number 11 God playing.
"I religiously watched Jonah every chance I could get and always wanted to play like him, to become what he had become, the most dangerous fantastic player that ever lived. I even shaved my hair exactly the same with a little tufts at the front, I also had the amazing chance of playing against him when he came to Wrexham north Wales, wow that hurt ha ha . Jonah has been an inspiration to me and many others and I say thank you Jonah, for my memories and thank you for making me want to play rugby, I will miss you my idol and will always look up to you as my "GOD" rest in peace Jonah love Shane. Number 1 fan .
The unstopable Jonah…missed ny rugby fans north n south hemispheres RIP.