Happy Heavenly Birthday Our Loved Daddy Jonah!

Nadene Lomu took to Facebook to wish Jonah a Happy Heavenly Birthday message, “It’s been a bitter sweet day sharing Mother’s Day with you but I’m truly thankful to be surrounded by LOVE.

It goes without saying that we miss you so much, not only today but every day! The boys and I ate all the yummy things you would have eaten if you were here with us today to celebrate you and we will keep eating them for the week keeping up our family tradition.

If only we you were still here with us to see how much our boys have grown into fine young men, but also to set the record straight, against those who continue to exploit your IP for self gain taking from our boys; your IP that you left for me and me alone!
Family, friends and I, all know that no one had the audacity to exploit you or disrespect the boys and I when you were here, let alone those that continue to align themselves against us to try take what you left us. I know you would have shredded anyone that even tried to do what has been done to us now…then again, no one ever had the guts or balls to try when you were alive, so that in itself says it all!

Despite the adversity Jonah, thank you for being the greatest person to ever bless my life. So proud to be your wife and mother of your sons. We will never stop loving you Jonah and will continue to enhance and protect your legacy till the end; as our love we cherish and the memories made, will always be a bond that can withstand tribulations and is simply unbreakable.

See you in my dreams. Love always and forever, you know who…your everything NBD. X
P.S Please give Rome-Eo and Xienny girl big loves and hugs for us because we miss them so much too!” 💔🎂❤️‍🩹

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