News — Jonah
Nadene Lomu gives thanks to the World for their support
boy Brayley Dhyreille jonah Nadene not part of the trust sons statement trust

Recently New Zealand lost one if its great totara trees, Jonah Lomu. A global superstar, a rugby pioneer and legend who brought joy and excitement not only to those who watched him, but all the lives he touched with his generosity.As the family went into mourning the country and the rest of the world took time to remember a great New Zealander who helped pioneer the game into what it is today.Jonah was a private person, who was so generous to others that he did not always think of the consequences to himself or his family and in the past...
The UNSTOPPABLE Tour heads out for Charity
The great Jonah Lomu mnzm, continues to please the multitude of fans with everywhere he has been and continues to go while moving around the United Kingdom.From playing pranks on his many fans inside a Jonah machine placed at a pub in Dublin, to delivering priceless moments to fans in central London, team Lomu continue to walk the streets within the United Kingdom in aid to help Charity along the way.Past tours handled by an outside promotion company have not delivered in line with the LOMU brand, so this time round, giving the best experience to Jonah's fan family has...
Flash Mob Haka featuring Jonah Lomu MNZM
charity england family flashmob haka jonah lomu london rwc2015 sons
Jonah Lomu has taken part in the haka, in Covent Garden, London, ahead of the Rugby World Cup. “It’s always an honour to perform the haka, whether you’re representing your nation in front of 80,000 people or performing for a group of unsuspecting rugby fans,” Lomu said. It's even been a really special moment for me having my wife, Nadene and my two boys Brayley and Dhyreille present to watch me perform the haka in London's iconic Covent Garden."I didn't think I would perform the haka again," Lomu said. "My two sons have never seen me do the haka before...
The UNSTOPPABLE Tour scrums down for Charity
Dinner England jonah rugby Speaking Tour UK UNSTOPPABLE
Now walking the streets of England, Jonah Lomu MNZM prepares for his UNSTOPPABLE Tour as it's set to scrum down soon in a town near you in support of many different Charities. Twenty (20) years on since first making his mark as Global Superstar, the young boy that took amateur rugby to a professional level, achieved success as a Commonwealth Gold Medalist has been under high demand since landing. Still held in high regard by the great people of England, he remains to draw crowds of all ages even at the age of 40. Join Jonah, the Top Try Scorer...
Berkshire Rugby Festival and Help for Charity
Berkshire family Jonah Jonah Lomu Reading Rugby Bus RWC Trophy Train Station Trophy
Jonah Lomu MNZM, greeted by hundreds of his fans when arriving with his family at Reading Train Station, Berkshire, England, the Global Icon of World Rugby walked straight into the crowds where hundreds awaited his arrival. Many of his fans being youngsters of all ages, the generation of whom had the pleasure of watching and cheering for Jonah as he once set foot onto the playing field creating a roar whenever he was present. Those also including the Police as they joined the queue, not able to resist the chance to meet the great man, stepping in to have photos...